Snap Design Academy

Snap Design Academy is a programs hosted by Snap Inc., the makers of Snapchat. I had access to custom, creative workshops, fireside chats and mentorship with Snap Inc. During my time at Snap, I worked cross-functionally across a team of designers, storytellers, and engineers. We all worked together to create a new Snap feature that would promote positive social change to underrepresented voices. This involved a lot of planning, research, and teamwork.

Graphic Design • Marketing • Collaboration

Snap Nourish

Graphic Design • UX/UI

Snap Nourish is a social conscious new product. Our product promotes positive social change and elevates underrepresented voices who are looking to become change agents. We focused on targeting food security in Los Angeles. Our new feature would sit inside of the Snap map layers and would provide easy access to affordable local grocery stores and provide the best deals on produce. In addition, our feature would have a quick and easy way to sign up for Calfresh assistance straight from the app.

Geofilters created to match the the essence of the city of Pasadena.

Raising the Wage

Graphic Design • Conceptual Ideation

We are here to normalize raising the federal minimum wage. Many arguments against doing this is that people who flip cheeseburgers shouldn’t make $15 an hour. But in-reality without these people how would you get the basic necessities you need? The pandemic has really shown us that these workers are essential to the infrastructure we have built. You’re not going to get rich off of $15 an hour but it will help you get the bare necessities in life. If you work less than $15 an hour at 40 hours a week you are living under the poverty line.


Art Direction


Experiential Design